Manual for OpenEstate-ImmoTool

About the OpenEstate project…

What is OpenEstate?

The OpenEstate project was initiated by Walter Wagner & Andreas Rudolph with the goal in mind to provide open software solutions for the real estate industry. You can find further information on its website

What is OpenEstate-ImmoTool?

OpenEstate-ImmoTool (henceforth referred to as "ImmoTool") is a free software for real estate management targeted at small and medium sized real estate companies.

The software is published under the terms of a Freeware license (see "License for OpenEstate-ImmoTool"). This means basically:

  • Everybody may download and use this software without any costs.
  • Everybody may help in further development of the software.
  • Everybody may extend the software with his own modules (so called addons) and may publish them under a freely chosen license.
  • Every registered user may get support and help by the developers about technical issues with the software.
  • There are no license fees.

What is OpenEstate-ImmoServer?

OpenEstate-ImmoServer (henceforth referred to as "ImmoTool-Server") provides a HSQL database. This application allows users to work from multiple workspaces on the same database.

The software is published under the terms of an Open Source license (see "License for OpenEstate-ImmoServer"). This means basically:

  • Everybody may download and use this software without any costs.
  • Everybody may help in further development of the software.
  • Everybody may access and modify the provided source code (even for commercial purposes).
  • Every registered user may get support and help by the developers about technical issues with the software.
  • There are no license fees.
Table of contents

last modified at 03/04/2019 at 03:00 AM (CET)

Creative Commons License This documentation is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License.